Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gymin' it up

Two phrases I say far too often lately:
Where is my phone?
I don't want to go to the gym.

The phone is usually either on me or right next to me. The gym is less than a mile away at my college, but my motivation is rather lackluster when I am taking grad classes and working. G is a good motivator. He usually says "well, if you really don't want to go, you don't have to." I can feel the judgment I put on myself when he says that, and 90% of the time it makes me go. And the other 10% of the time I say "sounds good," and stay on the couch.

I know my husband like when I go with him to the gym and lift weights. He found my weakness, a love of getting points for things, and got me hooked on fitocracy. So I do squats, bench press, dead lifts, kettle bell swings, some things with dumbbells, and some other gym-like things that most people associate with big dudes.
My birthday is coming up and I am a medium.

My PRs on the big 3 are:
Bench Press: 85x3 (I barely hit this)
Squat: 135x2
Deadlift: 165x2

Fine.. I will go to the gym tonight. Happy Valentine's Day!

UPDATE: This is very very funny...

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