Friday, March 23, 2012


Mad Men comes back on Sunday and I am super pumped. Today I ventured deeper into the land of bright colors with a sherbert-y organge high waisted skirt (which looks much more orange in this picture than on me), black pumps with flowers, and a button down white shirt I got at a sample sale back in my city days along with earrings that once were my moms and an orange and black flower necklace I got in a very small town in New Mexico . Frankly, I am not usually this good at putting together an outfit, but I was fairly proud of myself and I hope I am not fooling myself and secretly being judged. I also really miss sample sales that used to pop up in our building when I worked at LBM. Those were the best.

I could probably have more potential as far as nice clothes and cute outfits if all my clothes were not scattered across my bedroom floor. A habit I sometimes had before, but has definitely gotten worse since moving in with my husband who has a pretty bad messy bedroom habit. I think the greatest thing that ever happened to him (besides me, naturally) was our steam dryer. When I am at work, I think man I really want to clean my room, organize my clothes, be able to walk in there... then I get home. And I am busy or exhausted or just plain forget. This weekend, as I mentioned yesterday, is quite packed and I have to fit in writing a paper in there as well.

Ok I need to stop thinking about papers and focus on the fact that is it GORGEOUS out. Sadly, it will be going back down to the 50s as far as I can see. Must make sure to savor the good weather.

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