Thursday, March 22, 2012

Metal Mixer

Yesterday was our three year date-iversary and while we didn't do anything to celebrate, it was nice to think about our first date. Since we have been together, we have now been married longer than we have not. The other day a friend pointed out that I have a lot of pictures in my office. It made me realize how many of them were of me and my husband. My favorite is the photo strips I have next to my computer that the visitors to my office can't see unless they sit in my chair.
My favorite is the one where he is eating his tie.

I am also wearing a necklace my mom gave me one Christmas years ago that is made from a ring that I believe was her godmother's. I don't wear it enough, mostly because I rarely wear gold. But I am wearing a lot of yellow today with a brown blazer and decided to mix metals (my rings are platinum and I have no idea what my earrings are but they look gold? Maybe?).

In other news, the new car is awesome. It makes me want to go on a road trip, or at least get a slurpee. (L, can we make this happen one day??) I am so tired right now, for whatever reason. But tonight I don't have my grad class, which means I have to go to the gym and work on a paper. Tomorrow is Friday, though! I'll be going to a jewelry party that evening, Saturday is cheat day with a special guest star! Sunday is paper writing with Hunger Games movie night as my reward!

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