Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just another day...

Just one of those Tuesdays where you get dressed and ready and go to work to realize you forgot to put on a bra. It was one thing to forgo make up this morning, but a bra? I think I just really need it to be the weekend already. My face is still full of allergy hell and I am ready to go back to bed.

This morning, however, a fun little tumblr called Admissions Problems helped get me through the first 30 minutes of the day. Really this tumblr gets me through most days. I know I am lucky enough that I don't dread going to work and most days I enjoy my job, but it is so cathartic to bitch about admissions and all the ridiculousness that comes along with it.

In nerd news, I am pretty obsessed with Doctor Who. When I get into shows, it's like a good book to me, I just want to watch the whole thing until it's done or I am caught up. Could I be doing more productive things with my time? WHY DON'T YOU BACK OFF AND STOP JUDGING ME?!

Speaking of productive, it's back to work time.

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