Monday, November 15, 2010

So hoooooow's married life?

If you are not married yet, but think you will ever be married or plan on getting married in the future, prepare to hear that question... a lot. And have a good answer. "Good" does not satisfy the masses.

Today I had my first guest blogger from Lynne "The Lower Free Bridge" Calamiapants. And it's true... I have been slacking on my updates.

Today I bought a spray from Williams Sonoma called Winter Forrest that smells like Christmas. Not like gingerbread or snow (whatever snow smells like), but like a combination of pine and cinnamon. It reminds me of when we used to have a real tree when I was a kid... or when my mom would get pine spray for the prelit fake tree. And I want the second memory. A sprayed prelit tree. I am excited to make this happen. I have some Target gift cards and I know just what they're going towards. Wow, Thanksgiving is next week, Christmas is in a month an 10 days. Happy Holidays!! Here's to making my first one as a wife a memorable one!

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