Monday, March 21, 2011

Today I ate lunch at a little place called Stanley in New Orleans. I was by myself so I was chatting with the counter server when a waitress comes over and tells him John Krasinski was sitting in the corner. So he finds him and we take a quick peek and sure enough, there was The Office's own Jim Halpert. So when I was done I went outside and sat in the square and when he and his friend came out I snapped a quick pick. For a second I considered running over and asking for a picture but my fear of being seen as annoying and stalker like paralyzed me. So I settled for a sighting instead of a meeting. He is very tall and had his baseball hat on. 

I will be posting more on the rest of my New Orleans trip later. G should be back soon and we're going on the Scandalous Cocktail Hour tour.

1 comment:

  1. the moral of the story?: you can be fat and friends with a famous person.
