This is Benny the Dog, guest blogging here. You may have heard some stories about me and I'm here to tell you they are simply not true. I am not the cute and cuddly pup that the humans would have you believe. I am in fact, a secret agent. I work undercover as the Snugger. This is the cover I use to find the infamous cat simply known as "The Stray". The Stray has been know to use my human's backyard as her own personal litter box and walk all over like she owns the place. I am here to capture and bring her in. She has elluded me so far however. I believe she has an accomplice. We call this one, The Cow. I am restricted by my alias life because the humans have fenced me in or leashed me. But I have seen and had brief contact with these two ellusive pussies. And you can make my words, I will take them down.
I have commandeered the lady human's machine to get this message out to all of you. If you see the Stray or the Cow, remember they are foe, not friends. Any help you can give me to helping me track these bitches down would be helpful. Oh, got to go, I think they said the word "treat"...