In honor of my skeleton key tattoo, here is a song with the same name by Margot & the Nuclear So and So's:
Monday, February 27, 2012
Skeleton Key
In honor of my skeleton key tattoo, here is a song with the same name by Margot & the Nuclear So and So's:
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I think 7 tattoos is a good number. Sorry Mom!
So every once in a while, my next tattoo idea comes to me. So far I have 4 and at this point I have gone over the hump of "oh, what's one more?" and now it's like "oh, what's three more?" For the last like, let's say, 6 months, I have decided I want to get a version of a Japanese Maple tattooed only back. Of the four corners of my back, I have 3 with a tattoo. Me and my mildly OCD mind cannot handle this. I need another one. So I picked the japanese maple because I love the red and black and wanted something that represented life and family as a whole.

What better than a tree? Now I just need to get it drawn up. I have an idea and the problem is I cannot find anything online that comes close to the picture in my head (the one above is I guess the closest?). The problem? I cannot draw what I want for the life of me. I really need to get the motivation of having a friend draw it or going to my tattoo artist and having him do it. So in my quest to get this tattoo I realized there are two other tattoos I would love to get. A skeleton key and a masquerade mask.

What better than a tree? Now I just need to get it drawn up. I have an idea and the problem is I cannot find anything online that comes close to the picture in my head (the one above is I guess the closest?). The problem? I cannot draw what I want for the life of me. I really need to get the motivation of having a friend draw it or going to my tattoo artist and having him do it. So in my quest to get this tattoo I realized there are two other tattoos I would love to get. A skeleton key and a masquerade mask.

Right now I am in the phase of "need it! need it noooow!!!" but the only one I have thought about for more than a day is the tree. I allow myself months to make sure that it is what I want and just because I want it now, I have to make sure I want it again in like 6 months. So I will work on the tree for now and keep the other two in mind and maybe get them in a couple months.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I may have dogs, but I still have a soft spot for kittens
Are you ready to be overcome by adorableness??
I rest my case.
I rest my case.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
New Girl / New Clothes

“Damn Schmidt. In our bed? Where we shave each other? I've always loved you. You're my boo” — Winston
New Girl is such a good show. I cannot wait for it to come out on DVD. This blog has some good tips on how to dress like Jess. I find a lot of her stuff reminds me of ModCloth. Which would make sense since some of the dresses are actually from that site. I plan on wearing so many dresses and skirts this summer. I need to find more thrift stores. And time. And money. And good thrift stores. Pinterest has really made my need for dress and cute fashion that much more intense. Cute:

Also I want this combo:

Monday, February 20, 2012
Dream baby
Last night I had a dream where we had a baby out of nowhere and couldn't remember her name. Weird. Incidentally, we do have names for a boy or a girl that we tentatively agree on. I think names are very important, especially growing up with a name I like but that 3+ other girls in my schools had as well. The one idea that I have always liked is making my mom's name the middle name for the girl and G's dad's name the middle name for the boy. I am excited that my kids will have a nice last name that is hard to make fun of. I surely did not enjoy the moronic nickname I got in middle school.

But right now my baby ticker needs to calm down so I can finish my degree and travel and make enough money so that our family can be comfortable and happy and all that stuff. Plus, I know kids are not easy and they are more expensive than I will ever be prepared for. But maybe they can at least go to college for free.
For now I will have to deal with snuggles from my pup as enough...
Friday, February 17, 2012
Pinning my interests

I caved in and joined Pinterest, as evidenced by the new button on the side of my blog. It's quite addictive and is great for seeing what other people are into, whether it is recipes, furniture, clothing, places to travel to, or music and books.
Speaking of interests, I cannot wait for classes to be over (this means having to wait for my summer online class to be done in July), just so I can read for pleasure... on a beach... for two months. I love summer Fridays off at my job. Shortened days, Fridays off, and sun. Right now, my reading revolves around advising, counseling, substance abuse in college kids, and college crises. One year and three months to go!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I lift heavy things
Great post about the benefits of weight lifting! I definitely have seen results (slowly because I have the most impossible time giving up cheese) from using weights and doing the Slow Carb Diet from the Four Hour Body.
One of the few things I have learned at the gym, having a workout mix is essential. Last night when we went to the gym, my mix really got me pumped up and I pushed out some PRs I wasn't expecting (ass to grass goblet kettlebell squats with 52 lbs? done! BAM!).
But I am not happy yet. I am determined to have at least one more good summer body before kids. This will be my summer!
One of the few things I have learned at the gym, having a workout mix is essential. Last night when we went to the gym, my mix really got me pumped up and I pushed out some PRs I wasn't expecting (ass to grass goblet kettlebell squats with 52 lbs? done! BAM!).
But I am not happy yet. I am determined to have at least one more good summer body before kids. This will be my summer!
My career explained by a meme
Puppy Love
I seriously considered calling out of work to stay home and snuggle with my puppies this morning. How bad is it going to be when I have kids? Wait, don't answer that question.
Last night was a very chill V-day. The hubby got me some amazing Vera Bradley gifts.

Two days until Chipotle Friday in the office! Can't wait! I love my office's obsession with delicious food.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Gymin' it up

Two phrases I say far too often lately:
Where is my phone?
I don't want to go to the gym.
The phone is usually either on me or right next to me. The gym is less than a mile away at my college, but my motivation is rather lackluster when I am taking grad classes and working. G is a good motivator. He usually says "well, if you really don't want to go, you don't have to." I can feel the judgment I put on myself when he says that, and 90% of the time it makes me go. And the other 10% of the time I say "sounds good," and stay on the couch.
I know my husband like when I go with him to the gym and lift weights. He found my weakness, a love of getting points for things, and got me hooked on fitocracy. So I do squats, bench press, dead lifts, kettle bell swings, some things with dumbbells, and some other gym-like things that most people associate with big dudes.

My PRs on the big 3 are:
Bench Press: 85x3 (I barely hit this)
Squat: 135x2
Deadlift: 165x2
Fine.. I will go to the gym tonight. Happy Valentine's Day!
UPDATE: This is very very funny...
Monday, February 13, 2012
Tips, changes, and loves
One of my guilty pleasure's is StumbleUpon. It is a great way to waste your life away on the internet. I barely get to use it between work, school, and hug time with the husband and puppies. But once in a while I stumble my way through life on the internet and find fun picture and anecdotes. One time I stumbled on some tips and I wanted to highlight my favorites and one I want to try:
Newspaper Weeds-Away
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go, cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic, they will not get through wet newspapers.
No More Mosquitoes
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy.
Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go, cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic, they will not get through wet newspapers.
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
Heat up leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy.
I was also looking through blogs trying to read into other people's life to see if everyone has issues like me and remind myself why I need to enjoy the little moments in life right now.
Speaking of which, somethings I would like to change about myself:
- I focus on the negative too much. And far too often it is at home.
- I am quite addicted to technology. I know when we have a family I will be forced to change this.
- Too often I think about the future or past and forget to enjoy little moments.
- I am trying to look better and eat better. I am not losing weight the way I want to, but I am also allowing myself modifications and I think these are keeping me from getting desired results... stupid love of cheese.
Now that I have put so many negative things out into the universe, let's focus on some positive.
Random things I love:
- I love the Daily Show.
- I love lunches with my husband.
- I love movies.
- I love chicken tenders.
- I love cute things.
- I love the stupid silly talk my husband and I use with each other. It is embarrassing when we accidentally use it in public, but we have each other, so whatever.
- I love candles.
- I love my music playlists. They have more impact on my mood than almost anything else. (If you have Spotify and want to check out what I am listening to, I just ask you not to judge.)
- I love trips.
- I think I have been on a good path of maturity. This does not mean I am mature.
- I love SNL, New Girl, Up All Night, Modern Family, and way too many more tv shows.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Valentine's Cheat Day

Friday, February 10, 2012
Zen Adult
I feel like my life is changing and I don't even realize it. When did I become an adult? I got my job, my house, and engaged to my husband within 3 months of each other. Was that it? Was it when I decided what graduate program I wanted to go into, thus decided my career? Was it when I realized that we were ready to start a family, but not yet?
I never felt like much of an adult living in Astoria. I think of those are my livin' life years. I don't get scared or see the next steps I plan on taking in my life as intimidating or something I should fear, like I am losing my youth or something. I have managed to pretty much enjoy and move on between my youth, my teens, my young adult life, and now I am in medium adult life? Quarterlife crisis my ass. I plan on trying to enjoy, be calm, and live each year to the fullest. Will it happen? No, but I am in a mildly zen place at this second, so let's try to make it last. There are a couple people in my life who have fairly chaotic lives and I was there and it made me appreciate how lucky I am to be settled... no that's not the right word.. content. That's more like it.
I have had serious anxiety issues, and I have no doubt that they have not gone away completely, but I would like to try to see everything as a joy instead of a pain. I cannot wait til Spring. The smells, the weather, and the idea of fresh beginnings gets me every year.
Right now, my cheat day is exciting me. Tomorrow = seafood, cheese, and chocolate.
Getting back in the swing of things...
Wow, has it really been almost 5 months since my last post? The hubby and I are on a diet that I think I am terrible at, mostly because I am not supposed to have carbs and I sometimes have breaded chicken or a little tiny bit of cheese. Both are big no-no's. But alas I am eating better than I was, going to the gym (I squated 135 on Tuesday! Two times!!), and still balancing two grad classes and full time work, and home life. Home life involved a lot of homework since G and I are both taking grad classes this semester. But I have some trips coming up and I am super pumped. Fallingwater in April for my 27th birthday and Austin for Memorial Day weekend!
Fallingwater has falling water... get it?
G and I really want to go to Europe before we start a family, but just looking at the prices of flights to London, where we would have a place to stay in England, are insane. If we cannot get to Europe in 2012, I hope to go to Niagara Falls for our anniversary. Maybe that will help us save up money for a trip in 2013.
I have to admit that I have had babies on the brain lately. I can vaguely see the light at the end of my HEA MA tunnel. We are so lucky to have a house and steady jobs. I never expected to get this lucky. But alas, I know I must wait. I want to give any additions to the family the most attention and best chance and I know getting my Master's is the way to do that. I want to know that I did the best start to my career before we add babies into the picture. I can only imagine how hard it will be to have two full time working parents and babies. I go back and forth about being nervous about being able to afford to give our family the best of everything and wanting everything right now. I had a string of bad bad bad babysitters growing up. And if the babysitter wasn't bad, their kids were. Finding good care for a baby who is your life is expensive and stressful and I don't even have kids. Okay, now I need to stop over-thinking and remind myself that I have 300 pages of reading to do by Monday that I have not started.
So I will get back to work and leave you with these pictures of my adorable dogs, Benny and Olive (a.k.a. Big Ben and Munchables)...

G and I really want to go to Europe before we start a family, but just looking at the prices of flights to London, where we would have a place to stay in England, are insane. If we cannot get to Europe in 2012, I hope to go to Niagara Falls for our anniversary. Maybe that will help us save up money for a trip in 2013.
I have to admit that I have had babies on the brain lately. I can vaguely see the light at the end of my HEA MA tunnel. We are so lucky to have a house and steady jobs. I never expected to get this lucky. But alas, I know I must wait. I want to give any additions to the family the most attention and best chance and I know getting my Master's is the way to do that. I want to know that I did the best start to my career before we add babies into the picture. I can only imagine how hard it will be to have two full time working parents and babies. I go back and forth about being nervous about being able to afford to give our family the best of everything and wanting everything right now. I had a string of bad bad bad babysitters growing up. And if the babysitter wasn't bad, their kids were. Finding good care for a baby who is your life is expensive and stressful and I don't even have kids. Okay, now I need to stop over-thinking and remind myself that I have 300 pages of reading to do by Monday that I have not started.
So I will get back to work and leave you with these pictures of my adorable dogs, Benny and Olive (a.k.a. Big Ben and Munchables)...
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