I will be posting more on the rest of my New Orleans trip later. G should be back soon and we're going on the Scandalous Cocktail Hour tour.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Things I learned from my mother...
- Blue eyes and bad eyesight... which I can really thank both my parent for.
- A slight to moderate obsessive-controlling nature when it comes to cleaning
- A moderate to high controlling nature about most things in my life
- An undefined jawline that I am super paranoid about
- High cheekbones
- A tendency to read magazines backwards
- A love of folk music, good books, and liberal politics
- Not being able to deal with loud noises or loud kids that I do not personally have a relationship with and love
- Wanting my animal, dog or cat, to be super snuggley
- A fear of doctors and dentists
- Good budgeting and buying skills. Sounds like it should conflict itself, but so far we're doing well
- Hating projects that don't get finished
- Always making sure, no matter what mood I am in, that those I love are well aware of it
A heart that burns
Everything was so good, I didn't even have left overs. I had prepared that day by not eating too much. I had an egg sandwich, a chai, and a Special K bar (if you have not discovered the joys of Special K chocolatey pretzel bars, then you are missing out in life my friend). After the meal I did not feel my usual roll me home, I'm so over indulgent and fat self. I felt ok. We got home, went to bed and I was happy.
Until 2am rolls around and I get heartburn like I've never had before... literally. I've never had heartburn before. Heartburn and indigestion. Four tums, two swings of pepto, and an hour later I was finally able to get back to sleep. First of all, I am just grateful we even had those things in the house. And for the husband who woke up to go get them for me. And for Benny who slept on his doggie bed while I tossed and turned.
Is this what adulthood is like? Feeling like your heart and esophagus are fighting to break free by using a flame thrower to make their way out? Because if so, I'm ready to go back to the days of high school where I could eat whatever I wanted and my metabolism and young body took care of the rest. The good thing about adulthood though? Getting a giant bowl of zeppole (note that one zeppole is called zeppola! Thanks wikipedia!) for dessert and no one saying, haven't you had enough sugar? Except maybe my husband, with his eyes.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I wonder who wrote this post....

What an exciting day! I was given an opportunity to interview her to ask many pointed questions such as:
What made you interested in a museum career? Her answer? :: "the glory".
What role should an arts and cultural institution such as a museum play in the surrounding community? She didn’t give me a straight answer to this question. She just looked blankly at me, uncomfortably fidgeted with her cell phone, and then said “hey, remember that dead fox we saw before?”
When did the New Jersey State Museum open? Her answer?:: "In the early spring of 1653."
Tell me about your ideal job? Her answer? :: "In a perfect world I would get paid to travel across the United States stopping at thrift stores and flea markets collecting other people’s old crap. And then I’d write a book about it. Or wait, did you mean in the museum field?"
My Dumb Life
Things I have learned I have been missing all my life:
- DVR: Wow, thank you G for this amazing integration into my life, which now consists of sitting in the corner of our wonderful sectional and watching the Daily Show, Modern Family, HIMYM, and SNL in my downtime
- Netflix: Wow, as if DVR didn't keep me glued to the boob-tube during the cold days, this certainly does. All of LOST on whenever I want to watch? Yes please!
- HDTV: Yes, ok, I understand the first things I talk about revolve around tv, but I lived with no cable and a tv that had a vcr built into it for 3 years so all this seems amazing during the winter months when all I want to do is relax in front of a warm flat screen.
- King size bed: I don't think this needs further explanation. I love to stretch out and when you share a bed with a husband and a dog, it goes from a want to a necessity.
- Counter space: Ok, so I have only been missing this since I lived on my own, but you don't realize how wonderful it is to have more than 1 square foot until that is all you have.
- Heels: I could not walk to work and walk around the concrete flooring in my office in NYC in shoes with any kind of heel and flats would crumble into brown nothingness walking around, so when I started living on LI and driving to work I realized that I could be wearing cute shoes again! My husband can attest to how overboard I have gotten, but it brings me joy to hear those wonderful words: "I love your shoes!"
- Hugs: When he gets home, when I wake up, watching tv, I didn't know how hug deprived I was until I started getting them all the time. I am a full blown addict now. I have come to terms with this and I am ok with it.