Monday, May 31, 2010
Arbor Pt. II

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Yay affordable cute wedding shoes!
Next, I really need to figure out my bra situation for my dress...
Monday, May 24, 2010
I personally liked the finale a lot, even though we didn't get a lot of answers, it tied up the series nicely.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I had to drive home alone since I went there after work, but I enjoyed it by listening to Laura Marling, Josh Ritter, Margot & the Nuclear So and So's, and ended it with listening to my future wedding song, The Gambler by fun. It actually made me tear up. Sometimes I get frustrated, overwhelmed, and anxious with life, but I have an amazingly blessed life and love.
Right now Gordon and I are going to Hungtington to a friend's sibling's grad party. We went to the same type of event last year. Ah how much has changed in a year.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Cake Tasting in the New Millenium!
Picture explanation: Bags A, B, and C are coconut frosting. The bags below are chocolate frosting. The little bag in the middle is coconut shaving. The bag under the yellow letter is the cake bits.
In other wedding planning news, the future MIL ordered some vines for the arbor we're getting married under and flowers and plants to put in this weekend at Jeff's house. I put down a deposit for the food and will be getting a rental memo about the dinnerware via email soon (I hope). This weekend or next we will hopefully put down our deposit for the tents and tables and chairs.
Also in planinning news (wow, a lot has been going on this week), I found out that the place I was look to get my hair and makeup done is faaaar too expensive. So my trusty and amazing wedding coordinator, code name Beanie, has been calling salons closer to the wedding site for prices and locations, so we can check them out in a few weeks. I'm hoping by making it more affordable, that more of my bridal party will go with me.
I am getting very excited about everything. I really hope it turns out to be the beautiful garden wedding it seems to be coming along as. And I am so grateful to the people who have been so helpful with money, time, and patience.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mowing the lawn like Grandpa used to
Today we looked at used cars for him. We went to see a 2005 Hyundai Sonata (manual, of course) and he ended up picking a 1999 BMW 3 series. We haven't bought it yet, but did put down a $100 deposit. It's got 150K miles, but it looked like it was in really good condition. Plus it's a very pretty blue. We're going to continue to look though and see if we find something better by next week.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Money Honey
Basically all our purchases are on hold except little things until after the wedding because our money is tied up. I wish deposits didn't exist and I could just pay for the wedding stuff now. We are inviting more people that I thought we would. I wish I could not think about my wedding in terms of money and think about it as the happiest day ever, which it will be.
We will have the rehearsal dinner the night before (9/17) and the bachelorette party the night before that (9/16)., this way Kelly can attend both.
We did clean and refill the hot tub so we can use it tonight. It's really nice out, I wish I was out there enjoying, but I will after 3pm.
I'm thinking about taking a week off this summer and doing something. I can't fly anywhere like I was considering, because I can't really spend money because we still have to pay off our honeymoon. I have 3 weeks vacation time (15 days) that I can start using after July 4. 6 days of it is going to the wedding and honeymoon. We get vacation time for Christmas and Thanksgiving, so I don't need to use it for that. Maybe I'll use some days in the summer and just extend my Christmas vacation. I don't know why I'm rambling about vacation time.
I hear a noise that sounds like my dryer at home, which I had one when I was leaving and so I just assumed that's what it was. Except, I'm not at home. I'm at work. It's still making the noise. Why is my dryer haunting me?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuxes... kind of.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Finally using my HGTV knowledge to work
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Never stopping
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Life (and by life, I mean wedding) Updates
133 days until the wedding. This is when it starts to fly by and I feel like I am always trying to get something done.
It would be worse if this was my 12th blog post

It's like the universe knows Lynne is freaked out by her connection to the number 12, and yet it makes not only her aware of it, but those around her as well. This is my mafia from Mafia Wars on Facebook (Thank you very much, Gordon, for making me addicting to this ridiculous and pointless game). I made Lynne sign up for it so I could access the Paris section and told her she would never have to play. And so where does she fall in my mafia? Well of course she is number 12.
I am planning on visiting the daring 12, I mean Lynne, in July. I look forward to delicious cheap food and driving randomly and sleeping on her floor.