So our photographer
Alex has finally completed the pictures and wow, how I love them. Today we are meeting up with him to get the disk, look through them, and get coffee. I want to look through them on flickr again but I also want to be excited to see them at 3:30 today, so I'm going to wait.
Things I learned about my wedding from my wedding pictures:
My hair is insanely long.
The camera is not my chin's friend.
My tattoo looks nifty in black and white.... so does kelly's.
Gordon is a handsome man (ok I knew this before, but it needed to be said).
We were sucking face duing a lot of the wedding.
Even by the end of the summer, I'm a pale pale lady. But so is my husband.
Our food looked delicious and possibly even better on camera.
My friends are awesome dancers.
Gordon and I should never be photographed dancing.
Our nieces and nephews are freaking adorable.
Gordon's friends can make picking me up look easy (I am not so sure it was, I was in a 25+ lb dress).
I have a gorgeous wedding party.
I want to get about 90% of the 667 pictures printed. This is going to be tough.
Which one am I going to pick for my thank you card????